Front Porch Conversation: Featuring Sandy McRae

It is always nice to break down professional barriers and discover more about individuals in our real estate community. We recently visited one of our industry experts, Sandy McRae, with Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Penfed Realty, at her beautiful home. Here is what we learned about Sandy, and what she shared with us...
Born and raised in western Kansas, I made my way east when I chose Emporia State University for my college experience. After a brief tenure teaching high school English in Burlington, KS, I moved to the Wichita area and completed my teaching career in the Rose Hill public schools. At the age of 40, I was ready for a new challenge. I thought real estate would be temporary while I explored other options. I soon realized I had found my passion, helping others discover their dream of home ownership.
Soon after my business became successful, I had the desire to give back to the industry some of what I had received from others. I enjoy teaching, mentoring, and volunteering in the professional organizations that make us all better at what we do best. Through my volunteer experiences, I have grown both personally and professionally.
Having my daughter, Breanna Hottovy, join me five years ago as my business partner has expanded our enterprise and given it a whole new feel. The McRae-Hottovy Team is family-focused. We love working with everyone and pride ourselves on giving the same level of full service to buyers and sellers in every price point.

Sandy McRae with her daughter and business partner, Breanna Hottovy.
1. Name? Sandy McRae
2. Where are you from? Originally, western Kansas – Victoria, a small town 10 miles east of Hays
3. Current Company and Position? Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices PenFed Realty – sales agent
4. First Job? At the age of 16, I cleaned motel rooms.
5. What that first job taught me? I learned hard work and discipline, but most importantly, that I wanted to do ANYTHING but that in my future.
6. Best advice ever given? My mom always said, “If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.”
7. Last book you read? "Race for Relevance"
8. Hobbies? Sadly, I don’t really have time for hobbies with work, family, and my volunteer activities.
9. Hidden Talent? Nothing hidden; what you see is what you get.
10. Favorite restaurant? Newport Grill
11. The person who has most impacted your life? I can’t really identify just one person. Throughout my personal and work life, I have been impacted by so many different people that have crossed my path.
12. Biggest personal achievement? Raising two wonderful children who have grown into tremendous adults with families of their own.
13. Biggest professional achievement? Being selected and entrusted to guide other Realtors in a number of leadership positions.
14. Biggest challenge to overcome? Time management – I have many more things I want to do, but there are only so many hours in the day.
15. Favorite place to be? Relaxing on my new front porch.
16. Honest work hours (do you keep it reasonable or do you work all hours?) I’m a bit of a workaholic.
17. Where can you be found when you're not working? Watching the grandchildren play sports.

Breanna Hottovy and Sandy McRae
18. I love..... my family.
19. I can't STAND...... hatred in our country.
20. Do you have pets? Not anymore.
21. Last thing you watched on Netflix, Hulu, etc.? I’m a Hallmark movie kind of girl.
22. Anything you would like to tell us about yourself? I have an amazingly large extended family – over 100 first cousins.
23. Favorite travel destination? The trip my husband and I took to Ireland and Scotland for our 35th wedding anniversary was pretty magical.
24. Favorite drink or cocktail? Red wine
25. Do you prefer stripes, solids, polka dots, or floral prints? Stripes
26. What is the scariest thing you have ever done for fun? I’m not much of a daredevil.
27. If you could live in any sitcom or movie which one would it be? Friends – about 30 years ago.
28. Favorite weekend activity? Relaxing at home if it’s not filled with work.
29. If you could instantly become an expert at something, then what would it be? Golf – I used to play when I was younger and would love to do it again. It would just be nice to be instantly good.
30. What is the best gift that you have ever received? Gift of life – what a blessing.
31. When you were younger, what did you want to be when you grew up? Architect – my pastime was drawing house plans for fun.
36. Is there anything that you collect? Dept 56 Christmas Village pieces.
37. What or who lights you up? My grandchildren.

The McRae-Hottovy Team: Sandy McRae and Breanna Hottovy
Sandy McRae
Sales Agent, East Office
Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices PenFed Realty
1617 N Waterfront Parkway
Wichita, KS 67206
Phone: 316.259.3054
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